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About me

Be Modern, Go Green

Alternative blog, ecology, lifestyle and personal development


Personal development and ecology. One is my passion, the other my concern.

We have to admit that we live in a world where ecology is not at its best. Since I was a child and after having lived in several countries, I always felt naturally impacted by what we do to our planet. I love nature, the sea, the mountains, everything that our land gives us for free and allows us to feel alive, free and happy.. in short, I LOVE our planet! So I decided to understand why, us human beings, continue to behave as if the problem would be solved in the future and thus keep on living without changing our habits. The human ecological transition is harder to implement than we think. Our values ​​want us to act according to our heart, but the society we live in quickly catches up with us, impacting our daily actions. The way we consume textiles, food, leisure, being within everyone's reach, brings us back to the actual world, going against our own morality. We feel guilty, but we act nevertheless.

So I started studying human behavior and I'm trying to understand how we work and why we act the way we do. How does our brain works and what are our motivations in our life. Through this blog, I try to link human beings behavior with ecology and I want to prove, using personal development, that we can change our habits, while keeping our current lifestyle and being more conscious of the environment.

The equation that allows us to live in today’s world exists, we just have to find it and adjust it to ourselves.

Do you fancy the adventure ?!


Modern is the new green!


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